Professor Mangesh Nadkarni A respected scholar from India, professor Mangesh Nadkarni has a masters degree in English literature from Poona University and a doctorate in linguistics from the University of California at Los Angeles. He taught linguistics for twelve years in Hyderabad and for eight years in Singapore, and has specialized in the study of Sri Aurobindos writings, with special focus on the epic poem Savitri. Professor Nadkarni has given a number of workshops at the Sn Aurobindo Ashram and has led retreat camps and lecured extensively abroad. He has contributed a number of paers on Sri Aurobindos philosophy and vision in journals devoted to this discipline and is author of the following monographs: A Brief Introduction to Savitri, Problems of Human Unity in Sri Aurobindo's Light, and Hindu-Muslim Unity in Aurobindo's Light. The professor dates: will be touring the U.S. on these tentative dates:
For more information, contact Julian Lines (e-mail: jhl@aol.com; phone: 914-679-5358; address: 1183 Wittenberg Road, Mt. Tremper, NY 12457). Georges Van Vrekhem Georges Van Vrekhem is a Flemish-speaking Belgian who has lived in India since 1970. His first eight years there were spent in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicheriy, and since then he has lived in Auroville. He has translated books by and about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother into Dutch. Last year his important book on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Beyond the Human Species: The Life and Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, was published in the United States. In a review of this book in Mother India, Carl Thieme wrote: While reading, one starts to realize how much outward facts are determined by interventions from other levels of consciousness, for which those facts are only the external appearances and signs. The writer has presented us the biographical material in this context, for instance when explaining Sri Aurobindos and the Mothers occult action on world events. The inclusion of interesting historical, philosophical, and spiritual vistas drawn from other sources has resulted in a richly embroidered tapestry as a background to the exceptional life of the two-in-one, the double-poled Avatar of the Supermind as Van Vrekhem calls Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Georges latest book is due to be published this year. It is a biography of the Mother, tentatively titled The Mother: The Story of Her Life. Georges itinerary has not yet been decided. He will tentatively arrive in the United States around mid-June and attend the All-USA Meeting (AUM) in early July. He says he is looking forward to meeting his friends there again. For more information, contact Julian Lines (e-mail: jhl@aol.com; phone: 914-679-5358; address: 1183 Witten- berg Road, Mt. Tremper, NY 12457). Alan Herbert and Annemarie Bakker Alan Herbert and Annemarie Bakker will be coming to the United States in summer 2000 as guests of the Sri Aurobindo Association. Annemarie went to Auroville in 1975, Alan in 1979. Annemarie worked for many years on Matrimandir and in the Entry Group, Alan in Greenwork. Since 1988 they have been part of theAuroville Today editorial team, which, as Alan writes, through a semimiraculous process still not fully understood, manages to bring out Auroville Today every month. Auroville Today covers a wide variety of topics, including spirituality, the environment, village development, architecture, the economy, business, culture, youth, education, community organization, renewable energy, and community building. Recent issues of the journal have focused on the housing crisis, steps towards a spiritual economy, and an examination of the effect upon the community of Auroville becoming a tourist attraction. Alan and Annemaries itinerary has not yet been decided. They will tentatively arrive in the U.S. around late June, attend the All-USA Meeting (AUM) in early July, and then stay another four weeks. For more information, contact David Hutchinson (e-mail: dbhutchinson@ucdavis.edu; address: P.O. Box 163237, Sacramento, CA 95816).