Sweet Mother, if there is someone who wants to have experiences
or something like that, what is the first thing he should do ?
Sri Aurobindo's 125th birthday Darshan
Because of the auspicious occasion, we are holding this retreat on the 3rd weekend of August. Friday, August 15th, the evening meditation will begin at 8:00 p.m. and will be followed by a film on Sri Aurobindo's life. Those who wish to come earlier for dinner are welcome. On Saturday we will observe the day's activities and meals in collective silence, ending with a collective Savitri reading and a video viewing of a Savitri play from Pondicherry. Please call or write if you plan to attend a retreat. For further information call (209) 339-1342 Extension 4 (day) or 5 (night). -Vishnu Eschner