Staff: Managing editor and Web production, Lynda Lester; associate editor, David Hutchinson; reviewers, Marta Belen, Mary Haley, Tom Parker; hardcopy layout and production, Vishnubhai Eschner. Patrons: Anonymous 1, 2, & 3, Surama & Wayne Bloomquist, Ariel Browne, Katherine Dopler, Charles Elerick, Seabury Gould, Larry Jacobs, Bessie Meyer-Neild, Zack Moursi, Paula Murphy, A.R. Patel, Craig & Diann Richards, Richard Sharland, John Schlorholtz, S. Snow, Janet Spangenberg, Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham, Marcel A. Thevoz, Mary Weathersby. Sri Aurobindo Association: President, David Hutchinson; secretary/treasurer, Vishnubhai Eschner; vice president of Collaboration, Lynda Lester; vice president of AUM '98, Chandresh Patel.