About the Sri Aurobindo Association

THE MISSION OF THE SRI AUROBINDO ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (SAA) is to be of service to groups and individuals devoted to realizing the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. SAA carries out this mission by making the message of Integral Yoga available to interested seekers and by facilitating knowledge and synergy in the Integral Yoga community.
The Sri Aurobindo Association:
- Publishes Collaboration, a journal of Integral Yoga
- Maintains the collaboration.org Integral Yoga website
- Supports the annual All-USA Meeting (AUM) Integral Yoga Conference and other gatherings related to Integral Yoga
- Hosts an Integral Yoga web forum and a number of email discussion groups and announcement lists
- Hosts an Integral Yoga YouTube channel
- Supports projects related to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Auroville, and Integral Yoga in America
- Forwards donations to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville
- Facilitates collaboration and cooperation in the Integral Yoga community, but does not represent that community as any kind of authority
Collaboration Journal
One of SAA’s principal commitments is to publish the journal Collaboration three times a year. Started in 1974 by Eric Hughes of Matagiri, Collaboration is the only print journal dedicated to Integral Yoga published in the Americas. Over the decades, it has featured a rich array of articles and given many sadhaks the opportunity to publish their own writings and artwork.
There is a sublime majesty in the vision of Sri Aurobindo and Mother, and a perspective that is critically relevant to the intensifying challenges of society today. We believe that this perspective might be of great interest not just to the U.S. Integral Yoga community but to a wider group of seekers who are working to transform their consciousness and feel themselves to be part of the evolutionary yoga of the Earth. Accordingly SAA’s Editorial Advisory Board is working to make Collaboration more beautiful, robust, and radiant, broaden its readership, and network with a wider team of authors, artists, and collaborators.
Collaboration.org Website
A second major focus of SAA is hosting and maintaining this website, collaboration.org, as an in-depth information source for Auro-community and for the knowledge and practice of Integral Yoga in North America. Collaboration.org provides valuable information on AUM Integral Yoga conferences, Collaboration journal, multimedia resources, and Integral Yoga centers, organizations, and study groups.
SAA has also taken over the legacy website miraura.org, launched in 1995 as the first Integral Yoga website in the world, and plans to redesign and update its comprehensive biographical and literary information.
AUM Integral Yoga Conference

SAA has been a long-time supporter of the annual All USA Meeting (AUM) Integral Yoga Conference, offering loans and sponsorship, maintaining a bank account for the AUM Continuity Team, giving substantial AUM web support, hosting the AUM archives, and maintaining an AUM Facebook page. SAA members have organized numerous AUMs, both collectively as a board and individually as members of local AUM teams.
SAA is developing a YouTube channel that features presentations and roundtable discussions on Integral Yoga, videos from the AUM Integral Yoga Conference, and musical meditations.
Online Discussion Groups
SAA hosts a number of online discussion groups. These include the web-based Integral Yoga Forum; Auroconf, a well-known email list in which hundreds of people from all over the world have free-flowing conversations about Integral Yoga; Auroinfo, an email list for program information and other announcements; Quotes, which mails out short daily quotes from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; the Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham retreat list; and a number of specialized communication and work groups.
SAA forwards tax-deductible donations to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville.
Collective Yoga
In addition to its external activities, SAA aims to do collective yoga as an organization, striving to create a psychic unity offered to the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in the Americas. We have a central board of directors and a number of advisory boards, working groups, committees, and associates, all volunteers, who have been drawn to participate in karma yoga dedicated to the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. See our SAA Team page for more information about our extended collective yoga network.
Infrastructures for Consciousness
Through all its endeavors, SAA aspires to build new infrastructures for consciousness and instrumental channels through which Mother’s force may flow, bringing us ever nearer to the life divine.