Susan Curtiss

Susan Curtiss

Susan Curtiss is a director of the Sri Aurobindo Association and a member of SAA’s Editorial Advisory Board.

Susan was introduced to Sri Aurobindo in 1980 through Mickey Finn at the Boston Sri Aurobindo Center and Sam Spanier and Eric Hughes of Matagiri in upstate New York. Since then she has been practicing Transpersonal Clinical Psychology in the Mother’s light with a special focus on the psychic being as an element in the developmental and healing process in trauma. In 1999 she helped organize a conference at Matagiri called “Psychology in the Light of Sri Aurobindo’s Vision” (Collaboration, Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 10), which would contribute to the emergence of a worldwide dialog in Integral Yoga Psychology. This led to her visiting the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville in 1999 and 2002.

Most recently she has been a founding member of the reconstituted Boston Sri Aurobindo Center and a member of SAA’s Editorial Advisory Board and its marketing working group. She lives in Harvard, Massachusetts, near the Shaker village where Mother Ann Lee, vibhuti of the Mother and Shaker foundress, had her headquarters. Susan’s passion is researching the gnostic Shaker communities as evolutionary forerunners of Sri Aurobindo’s collective yoga.