
Sri Aurobindo Association in the USA


Find a travel partner
and/or a roommate

The AUM 2013 sharing board

    Car      Hotel

The AUM 2013 sharing board is a service offered to conference participants who are looking to share transportation to AUM or lodging at AUM.

If you are looking for a ride or willing to share a ride, you can post to this board and provide the information you want to appear (name, contact info, dates traveling, and the location/region you are coming from and returning to).

If you want to share a room at the hotel or one of the camping venues at Jackson WellSprings (tent, tipi, or RV), post your information on the board. Please put requests or requirements in the "Notes" field. For example, "Looking for female roommate" or "Request non-snoring male to share a tent."

To post to the AUM sharing board, click here.

To view the AUM sharing board, click here.

Once you find your sharing partner, contact Mateo Needham, the AUM 2013 registrar, at 1-831-331-6850 to remove your information from the sharing board.

Please note that this board can be viewed by the general public.