"Cellular consciousness, the chakras, and concentration"
with Miriam Belov
This experiental workshop is inspired by the Mother’s “Prayers of the Cells.” We will explore our energy centers as they influence our subtle and physical bodies. Then, moving more deeply via various meditations and concentrations, we will make contact with our cellular consciousness and Their work.
About Miriam Belov
Miriam has been practicing Integral Yoga since 1975, hosting a study circle when she lived in New York City from the 1980s through 2002. She lived in Auroville in 1979–80 and has visited three times since—in 1984, 1995, and 2014. She is a board member of the Nakashima Foundation for Peace, and her most recent visit to Auroville included participating in the dedication of the Nakashima Sacred Peace Table and the Auroville Hall of Peace.
Miriam has also been involved in mind-body-spirit work for more than 35 years. She is a certified Reiki master, energy healer, and clairvoyant. A public speaker, she often leads group meditations. With two bestselling anthologies and a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from Brown University, she teaches civically on all media and at many institutions, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the United Nations. www.wellnessagenda.com