"Indigenous clowning"
with Fif Fernandes and Hamish Boyd

The clown, fool, jester, komali has existed in all cultures for centuries. The clown nose is a symbol of unity, love, peace, and joy—it belongs to no one, is for everyone and is in everyone. It brings out the youth that never ages and bridges the past with the future. Fif Fernandes and Hamish Boyd of the MeDi Clown Academy offer programs that integrate the joy of therapeutic clowning, laughter, and humour with scientific research. Their goal is to spread love and joy.
About Fif Fernandes
Fif received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in drama from the University of Calgary, specializing in theatre for young audiences. She is a certified Laughter Yoga teacher and a graduate from the Humor Academy of the Association of Applied and Therapeutic Humor in the U.S. For more than 25 years her work has included teaching and facilitating classes for doctors, nurses, social workers, chief executive officers, educators, and children with special needs. Teens, adults and seniors have sought Fif to assist them and train them in discovering joy and happiness in their lives.
About Hamish Boyd
Hamish received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in drama from the University of Alberta. Since 1977 he has worked professionally as an actor in classical theatre, improvisation, and musicals and has appeared on radio, stage, film, and television. With Fif Fernandes, Hamish has trained more than 500 certified Laughter Yoga leaders and presented workshops on laughter to more than 30,000 people around the globe. He has also worked in healthcare with seniors, in palliative care, and with people with physical and mental disabilities for over 35 years. |