
Krishna Babu

Krishna Babu

Krishna Babu is student at UCLA who is currently pursuing a bachelors degree in civil engineering. She believes that personal development and the development of others is a symbiotic relationship and goes hand in hand - a collective aspiration.

While she enjoys collecting quotes and thinking about life, she just as much loves climbing trees and watching Spongebob. Her passions include biking, photography, music, and reading.

Indian Music/Garba Dance

The idea behind garba is to worship the shakti, or strength, in all of us and realize its potential to rid the inhibiting qualities in us as well. As we circle around the goddess of shakti Jagadamba, we ask for intellect and strength and symbolically evoke and unite all of our energies.

"Love is the keynote, Joy is the music, Knowledge is the performer, the Infinite All is the composer and audience." ~ Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo's symbol

Mother's symbol