Monte Toyon Retreat Center
Photo tour of Monte Toyon
The 1998 AUM will take place at Monte
Toyon Retreat Center near the town of Aptos,
on the California coast south of San Francisco. (You can also see a map
of the center (272 K) on the Internet, and pictures of the various
buildings). Monte Toyon is about an hour's drive south of San Jose, which
has a major airport. The center is next to the Forest
of Nisene Marks State Park and only a mile from the Pacific Ocean.
Nearby in Santa Cruz is the world-famous Monterey
Bay Aquarium. Daytime temperatures at Monte Toyon in August will be
warm, and evenings will be cool.
The retreat center is laid out on gentle slopes among giant redwood
trees in a deep forest setting; the grounds will be cool and inviting in
late August. The AUM conference will have exclusive use of the center during
the long weekend of our meeting.
Monte Toyon has a meditation
chapel, an outdoor amphitheater,
a volleyball court, hiking
trails, a beautiful rhododendron
garden with over 600 hybrids, and many other facilities.