
Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
In English
- Incarnate Word—Complete works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, freely available and with advanced search options
- Mother and Sri Aurobindo India—Large website that includes works, photos, and bios of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, talks on Integral Yoga, interviews with disciples, and OM Choir videos
- Site of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother—Large website in Russia offering life sketches, photos, and complete works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, including Mother’s Agenda
- Sri Aurobindo Ashram—Website of the original Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Puducherry, India, featuring life sketches and complete works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
In Other Languages
- Auroverse—The works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in numerous world languages
- Collection of Materials on Integral Yoga—Many works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, available in both English and Russian
- Mother’s Prayers and Meditations—Available to read and listen in several languages, made possible by the Sadhana Study Circle in New Jersey
- SABDA Books—Offers books in English, Arabic, Assamese, Bengali, Buglarian, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Tamil, Telegu, and Turkish (click the drop-down menu at top left of the page to search for a particular language)
- Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in Many Languages—Translations in Bengali, Bulgarian, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, and Turkish
- Sri Aurobindo in Arabic—Website with materials on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that aspires to build a bridge between English- and Arab-speaking seekers
- Sri Aurobindo in French—Downloadable free of charge from the Sri Aurobindo Ashram
- Savitri the Poem—Full text with Sri Aurobindo’s letters and Mother’s comments
-—Savitri, with recordings of the Mother reading Savitri, original articles, and more
-—Recordings of Savitri by Sraddhavan
Inspiration and Guidance
- AuroInspirations—Daily dose of inspirations from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
- Blossom Like a Flower—A directory of flowers and their spiritual significance in the light of Mother’s vision and experience
-—Daily emails from Prayers and Meditations; see the Online Groups page for directions on how to subscribe
- MirraBliss—Message cards and daily emails of quotes from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
- The Mother’s Guidance—An introduction to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s teachings, with selected passages on a wide range of topics
-—Daily emails of quotes from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; see the Online Groups page for directions on how to subscribe
- All India Magazine, from the Sri Aurobindo Society
- The Awakening Ray, from the Gnostic Centre in Delhi
- Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, from the Sri Aurobindo Ashram
- Collaboration, A Journal of Integral Yoga, published by the Sri Aurobindo Association of America
- Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & the Mother, blog from Sandeep
- Matagiri Newsletter, from Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center, New York
- Mother India, from the Sri Aurobindo Ashram
- NAMAH, Journal of Integral Health, from Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
- Newsletters and Magazines, various publications from Auroville
- The Peacock Letter, from the Integral Life Center in Florida
- The Quest Newsletter, from the Los Angeles Sri Aurobindo Center
- Sraddha, sent monthly by email; from Kolkata Sri Aurobindo Bhavan; editor Arup Basu,
- Sri Aurobindo’s Action, from Puducherry
- Sri Aurobindo Studies blog, from Santosh Krinsky
- The Sunlit Path, sent monthly by email: editor Bhalendu Vaishnav,
YouTube Channel
The Sri Aurobindo Association has a YouTube channel that features videos in the following areas:
- The Collaboration Podcast: Conversations with authors whose articles have recently appeared in Collaboration journal
- Integral Insights: Videos discussing interesting topics related to Integral Yoga
- Collective Yoga and the Legacy of Sri Aurobindo
- Inspirational Music
- Audiovisual Meditations: Beautiful art and photos set to meditative music
- Talks from the Cultural Integration Fellowship and California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco
- Gems from the Collaboration archive: Roundtable discussions on notable articles from in past issues of Collaboration
Multimedia and Materials
- AuroMaa—Regularly updated website with beautiful posts related to the Integral Yoga
- Debashish—Website featuring writings, videos, and recordings on many subjects including Integral Yoga, Indian spiritual traditions, philosophy, posthumanism, technology, art, and poetry
- Know Your Rhythm—With many offerings including Savitri Marg Darshan (a series of meditative audio-visual experiences centered around passages from Savitri), Koham Soham (Who Am I? I Am That—a meditative film offering inspired by Sri Aurobindo’s poem “Who”), Project Aradhana (a series of bhajans based on The Mother’s ‘Prayers and Meditations’), and AUM TAT SAT, an Indian ballet which explores Sri Aurobindo’s visionary experience and interpretation of the expression.
- Marco Masi on Youtube—A selection of videos that explore quantum physics, science, free will, and integral education in light of Sri Aurobindo
- New Perspectives—A Zoom platform for exploring contemporary topics and current events of global importance inspired by Integral Yoga and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
- Our Many Selves—A series of talks by Lynda Lester on the many parts of human nature, including the physical, vital, mental, psychic, and witness purusha
- Sri Aurobindo Association YouTube Channel—Meditation videos, musical performances, and roundtable discussions on Integral Yoga and contemporary issues
- Sri Aurobindo International Education Network—An international collaborative effort of several Integral Yoga centers and institutes that offer a selection of online courses to manifest the vision and integral education of Sri Aurobindo
Reference and Research
- Auroville Wiki—A growing reference for information about Auroville, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Integral Yoga and the new consciousness
- Integral Yoga Books—A comprehensive selection of books on Integral Yoga from Auromere; proceeds support Integral Yoga activities in the U.S. and India
- Life Divine Study Guide—A study guide by David Hutchinson that includes one-pararaph summaries of each chapter of The Life Divine
- Overman Foundation—Website offering materials for online research on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to researchers, scholars and independent authors; includes extensive photo galleries of Mother and disciples
- SABDA Books—A unit of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department that distributes books on Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, and Integral Yoga
- Sri Aurobindo’s Formulations of Integral Yoga—Paper by Dr. Debashish Banerji that examines three formulations of in the evolution of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga: the sapta chatushtaya, the triple transformation, and surrender to the Mother
- Synthesis of Yoga Study Guide—A study guide by David Hutchinson that includes a point-by-point and one-paragraph summary of each chapter of The Synthesis of Yoga
Schools and Programs
- Auro University—A university in Surat, Gujarat, India, whose aim is to provide integral education, skill sets and values needed to lead a more purposeful life in today’s world
- California Institute for Integral Studies—An accredited university founded by Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri that offers transdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and applied studies; the East-West Psychology Department offers a global approach to the exploration of psychology and spirituality, including courses on Sri Aurobindo’s vision
- Gnostic Centre—A research centre for the growth of consciousness based in Delhi, India, whose vision is to establish a prototype of the universities of tomorrow
- Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research—A center of learning in Puducherry, India, dedicated to in-depth study of of the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
- Sri Aurobindo Society—A large organization with branches around the world, dedicated to the ideals of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and offering activities and courses in many fields
- Auroson: Hymns of the Soul—Ambient music meant for active listening with a pioneer spirit, to open the gates of the soul
- Accessing the Psychic Being through Music—Performance by David Eby and Govinda Rytlewski at AUM 2016
- Electronic Music from Ananda Namaste—Meditative electronic music composed and performed in Puducherry, India
- Musical Offering by Aurelio Hammer—A live musical performance from AUM 2016 led by Aurelio Hammer, founder of Auroville’s Sarvam Sound Experience
- Raga Mantra—Indian and world music from Nadaka and Gopika
- Savitri Opera—Composition by Demis Visvikis for soprano, baritone and two pianos, text from “The Book of the Double Twilight,” performed live in Paris
- Sunil’s Music—Unique music on pedal organ and modern synthesizers composed by Sunil Bhattacharya, inspired by the Mother
- Temple Meditations and Other Albums—Jazz improvisations by saxophonists Jonathan Kay, Andrew Kay, and collaborating musicians that combine elements of creative Jazz harmony with melodic aesthetics of traditional Indian Classical music
Art and Photography
- Gopika Dahanukar Creative Arts—Contemplative images and poetry that express the geometries of nature, earth, and cosmos
- Colorful Vignettes by August Timmermans—A photo and travel blog featuring sites and situations that appeal for their uniqueness and inspire musings on today’s challenges, particularly the climate crisis
- Jim Page Photography—Photos illumining the spirit of nature and reminding us of inner landscapes to be explored
- Photos on the Way by Paul Lisseck—Photos and creative collages that express a vibrant spirit of art and design
- Margaret Astrid Phanes Meditative Art—Digital images created as a means for Radiant-Force Meditation, a form of meditation that concentrates awareness on the flow and radiance of light-force power for inner growth